To kick off the NEW YEAR 2019 and introduce our new website to you , AIRFORCE SUSPENSION U.S.A. , will hold a give away of items every month of 2019!
You will have the opportunity to win AIRFORCE SUSPENSION swag, T shirts, Banners, air suspension components, AIRFORCE STRUTS, and even complete kits!
Winners will be selected at random from post submissions.
One post per contest no spamming.
A basic sponsor agreement will be provided to each winner.
Winner is required to submit photos with the product won and is encouraged to produce additional photos of the swag/parts incorporated into a build/T shirts worn/or in case of banner hung in garage , room ect and or videos of said items.
Winner must add @airforcesuspensionusa to their social media pages as sponsor for a minimum period of 3 months from date of receipt. Additionally we request you tag us in all your posts for same period of 3 month. Longer if you prefer!
Winner must display and provide photos of AIRFORCE SUSPENSION STICKERS applied to vehicle.
Swag items will be shipped FREE in 48 states.
Shipping for Air Suspension components, struts, and complete kits will be the responsibility of the winner and will be billed via paypal.
International winners are responsible for VAT, taxes, and may incur additional shipping charges.
Most important we simply want you to be proud of your sponsorship and have fun with the photos within reason. Respect of our fellow car enthusiasts in the community is paramount.
Contest brought to you by Dare 2B Different!(r) Ent Inc and is not in conjunction with any social media platform. Dare 2B Different!(r)Ent Inc bares the sole responsibility of distribution of prizes.