As the owner/President of Airforce Suspension USA , I personally extend my deep gratitude to the MEN and WOMEN that serve to protect our great nation in the U.S. Armed Forces. Without your grand sacrifices of life and limb, Airforce Suspension! Motorwerks could not exist. By doing what you do , you allow me to live my American Dream, to run my own company in this FREE country unlike any other on the planet.
So where does this respect and admiration come from you may ask?? A long family history of service!

On both sides of my family there is a long history of service going back to WWII. On my mothers side my Grandfather Peter Andriopoulos a Greek immigrant to the U.S. at the age of 9 fought in the U.S army in WWII and survived D Day. Later stationed in England then France he met and married my grandmother Riena a Royal British Army firefighter. In the photo above , a coming home party for my uncle Thomas (center cutting the cake)who fought in WWII as well as ground support for the Flying Tigers. He had just come back from Asia with several metals proving his valor. To his right my uncle Lawrence/Larry who was a Naval Jet pilot in the Korean war. I have his flight jacket and helmet from those missions. His name is on an anchor memorial in Floyd Bennett Field Brooklyn NYC. To the left rear, my uncle Salvatore. Full time Navy , sharp shooter, sharp shooter trainer. He served the U.S. Coast Guard in Tampa FL well into his retirement years. He is responsible for teaching all the newborns in the family how to swim in the family! Used to just dump us in the pool to everyone's horror as we just would naturally float to the top and start kicking! I don't remember but there are super 8 films of many of us cousins getting dunked! The baby who mischievously is sneaking some cream off the cassada cake is my Dad. Naval Leader Destroyer sharp shooter and galley man. He had all the fun times in the 50's just bouncing around the world. To the far left my Aunt Josephine, my godmother and to each side of my uncle Tom my grandmother and grandfather.
All said and done I will provide some form of a discount or free shipping on every item on the site. I have simply broken even or lost money to provide Military members with their dream parts over the years. For me, it is not about the money it is about gratitude for your service. If you do not see your year make and model please email info@airforcesuspension.com. Please call 1-844-BAGGEDD or contact via email info@airforcesuspension.com for your discount or coupon code. Thank you for your service! I look forward to earning your business!